Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Vice-Principal Sues over MySpace Page

I like this.

I really, really like this.

Did I mention I like this?

I hope that the parents don't settle and that this does go to court. I'd love to see the arguments about free speech vs. maintaining the dignity of the school. I'd like this young man to have to take the stand under oath and explain how making such a page could be a good idea.

My heart is entirely with the VP on this, and I hope she wins big.


Blogger Zoemonster said...

That is SOOOO true. I found yr blog from a link on "This Little Light of Mine"

I really like it. The comment I Just left there is applicable here too, I think, so since I type 8 WPM, I think I will Just paste it in.

I can't wait to read more of yr Blog.

(partial paste)

Education is +all+ about politics. It stinks!

I was going to try and blog once a month and even that is nearly impossible!

I still haven't managed to figure out how to add a blogroll yet. I tried again yesterday and somehow installed a stat counter which I also have NFI how to use or un-install:)

And then there's a brandy new message in e-mail and on the blogging site.. something about "Do you want to switch to BETA?"

Noooo! I don't! I can barely remember how to log into everything as it is. I am too old to be learning new stuff!!

Plus, one major gripe I have (now that I am on a rant!! Why can't I use the same PW for everything? It's craXy (I like that non-word!) Some places want 6 letters. Some want letters and numbers. You know the deal! Plus, God Forbid trying to post a comment after a glass of wine! Those "word verifications" are hard enuf for us old farts to read on straight cawfee:))

Anyhoo, I figgered out a few thangs this AM. One is how to put all my favorite sites in bookmark folders! So instead of having a "bar" across the top of my computer w/ about 20 "favorites" (all in a makes-no-sense random order (kind of like my house and Classroom). So anyhow, all that clutter is now in 5 little folders!!

Now, if only I could learn how to make a BlogRoll cuz I read some funny blogs.

College professors write two regular ones that I read. I am AMAZED (well, not really) that in college, Profs are dealing with some of the same stuff that I saw in middle school!! For example, one kid asked (a college kid) if the professor was going to include a WORD BANK on the upcoming quiz!! Can you believe that!!


I didnt edit 'cuz.. 1. I am too lazy. 2. The spell check doesn't work for me on a MAC

(end paste)

I added you to my (newly!!) bookmarked blog folder, so expect to see me around. Hope you dont mind. Also, cuz I am such a slow typist, I seldom leave comments- but that doesnt mean I dont enjoy every word!


11:18 AM  

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