Saturday, February 02, 2008

Anyone Who Cares About Education and Doesn't Vote for Mitt Romney is an Idiot

Third Rail~!

One more interesting tidbit from this week's Education Gadfly is their look at how the new Governor of Massachusetts is planning to change with the state academic standards, which have been highly rated in the past. In fact, nearly every report you read will have Massachusetts up near the top in every education metric.

That being true, should teachers support Mitt Romney for president? I mean, sure, he supports charter schools, wants to give home schoolers a tax credit, and is a big proponent of merit pay, but he's also gotten results. Or is giving him credit for success in Massachusetts more than he deserves, because of how the state operates as a whole?

As far as I can see there's no one left in the contest who has the education record that Romney does; does that matter?

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