Monday, October 30, 2006

The Da Vinci Cold


Ever play that game in your head where you try to figure out how you got the cold or flu you have?

I’ve been clogged for a couple of days now. The nighttime is the worst because my nose plugs up and then I wake up with dry mouth. It also makes it hard to hold the Little (s)Thinker when you’re sick, and she’s sick, and the wife is about to be sick. This is a sick, sick place right now.

I think it might have come from my sister-in-law, who gave it to my daughter, who passed it on to me. The symptoms are pretty similar. I had two kids miss days this week with illness, but they weren’t exactly like what I’ve got.

Anyhow, it’s a good day to do not very much at all. The weather outside is changing, too, which is really a shame since this October we’ve had some of the most beautiful fall weather we’ve ever had in the years that I’ve been in the area. There was a Halloween three years ago when the temperature got down to zero, so the fact that we’ve only had light frost so far is just amazing.

One nice thing about the weather change is that I’m a wind guy. Growing up on the Westside and visiting the beach with regularity wind was a fact of life, and I don’t know why but there’s just something about a brisk, windy day that appeals to me. Looking out through the sliding glass door right now I’m thinking that there won’t be any leaves left on the ash trees by the end of the day.

Life is good. There’s wind, I’m blogging, the baby is asleep, and I think I’m going to go have a peanut butter sandwich.

Life is good.


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