Monday, March 05, 2007

Based on the scant evidence available, I believe Terry Bergeson likes the math WASL

Dr. Terry is on the offensive again, this time decrying the movement to take the pounch out of the reading and writing WASLs in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

The real fun begins in the comments section at the bottom of the article, where one particularly strident naysayer lays it all at the feet of the union. Just so we're clear, friend:

1) The WEA didn't write the GLEs.
2) The WEA didn't write the WASL.
3) The WEA doesn't adopt curriculum.

I'm still not OK with them delaying the math requirement, but that's just me being stubborn about a test that I think kids should be able to pass. Jim over at 5/17 has been all over that story as well.

I'll stick by an earlier prediction: math and science get delayed this year, but the reading and writing requirements are left intact.


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