Wednesday, January 31, 2007

From the Classroom

Today’s true conversation that I wish I was clever enough to have made up:

“Z, honey, I need you to stop being ADD for a moment and pay attention to me.”
“But Mr. Rain! I’m not just ADD, I’m A-D-H-D!”

Well then, carry on. Who am I to argue with your diagnosis?


One of my little boys has been out of his mind lately. Couldn’t pay attention to anything, weird behaviors, lashing out at the kids. A phone call to mom was illuminating: his dad was coming back soon from a deployment to Iraq, and that was most likely giving him a ton of anxiety. Not that there’s anything wrong with his dad, mind you—it’s just the process that all of our military families go through with the coming-and-going that is a part of Air Force life. It’s a very real side effect of the war that most people don’t get to see.


“Mr. Rain, can I go to the bathroom?”
“Not in here, honey. That would be gross.”
“Not in here, in the bathroom!”
“Oh. Can you wait until tomorrow?”
(shocked) “No!”
“Well, take the pass with you.”
--kid walks out, shaking head—


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