Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Writing la Vitae Loca (Alternate Title: Veni, Vici, Vita)

There’s a grant that I want to apply for from WERA. If I got it I could get enough sub days next year to be able to really measure the effectiveness of some of the reading programs that we’re using, particularly Read Naturally and STAR Reading. With RN I’d love to be able to have the time to really look at the effect that it has with kids, break it down by grade level/Title/gender, etcetera, and have a solid argument to make as to it’s effectiveness. With STAR, I think I can artificially raise the score by giving the kids good vocabulary instruction, thereby making the “grade equivalency” number that it gives after a student has tested completely meaningless. It’s nerdy, but interesting. Plus then I could apply to a doctoral program and make Mama Thinker proud of her little brainy boy. It would be very Rockwellian.

Part of applying for the grant is that you have to turn in your curriculum vitae along with it. This is a good exercise for me—the resume hasn’t been updated since I got the job, and there are a couple of openings at the local colleges that I’m thinking of taking a flyer at. A couple of weeks ago I downloaded a couple of how-to guides, and I’m off.

Off writing on the blog. This thing’s kind of a pain. I’ve done a ton of extra activities, but I can’t quite make things fit in a way that makes total sense to me. Does all my work with the union go under qualifications, or professional service? Is leading a book study a teaching experience, or a presentation?

I’ve got a good professor friend who’s been around the block; I think I’ll bounce this off of her. I’m half toying with the idea of trying one of those professional resume-writing services, but I can’t see spending the money on something I should be able to figure out for free.

Back to writing.


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