Sunday, May 21, 2006

Great Article on Gifted Kids in the Tri-City Herald

I first saw in in WAETAG's newsletter, but the Tri-Cities Herald did an *excellent* article April 17th on the needs of gifted and talented students in the public schools, particularly what schools in the Tri-Cities are doing. It's must read material for anyone who teaches or works with those kids.

This one strikes close to home for me. In my district I can get help for kids who are identified for special education, and I can get Title for kids who are below level in reading through Title, but prompting along the kids who are well ahead of grade level is completely on the classroom teacher's shoulders. I've been blessed this year with an exceptional class (6 kids reading 3rd grade or higher, in a 1st grade classroom!), but it's also hard to get authentic literature that meets their needs while at the same time trying to raise up the kids that need the help the most.


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