Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Boys vs. Girls on the WASL--Girls win! Girls win!

I was poking around the Everett Herald's website and found this incredible subsection that gives a breakdown of WASL scores in math, reading, and writing by gender. Here's the breakout data for Central Valley High School, one of the largest schools on the east side of the state:

Central Valley High School
Central Valley School District
Grade: 10

Trailing by
Did boys trail girls in math? No
Did boys trail girls in reading? Yes 4%
Did boys trail girls in writing? Yes 19%

Number of boys tested for math: 214 Met standard: 64%
Number of girls tested for math: 207 Met standard: 63%

Number of boys tested for reading: 215 Met standard: 80%
Number of girls tested for reading: 207 Met standard: 84%

Number of boys tested for writing: 211 Met standard: 69%
Number of girls tested for writing: 207 Met standard: 88%

It's neat to see it broken out like that. Whether it's useful information or not, I don't know, but it's certainly food for thought.


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