Sunday, July 13, 2008

Things My Daughter Does That I Very Much Enjoy

1. Her thumbs up. It's become her general statement of happiness with whatever happens to be going on at the time. Daddy's making lunch? Thumbs up. Her favorite commercial, the one with the lizards dancing to "Thriller" comes on the telly? Thumbs up. Mommy's home from work? Thumbs up.

2. Her walking. She's almost--almost--independent, here just a month short of her 2nd birthday. The physical therapy has been paying off in spades. Her speech therapist says that for many kids with my daughter's condition that once the physical piece comes together the oral piece follows soon after, so hopefully she'll be talking up a storm soon, too.

3. Her eating. Today at lunch she took her plate of hot dog pieces, put all the hot dog on her high chair tray, then put the pieces on the plate one at a time before picking up the plate and "pouring" what was on it into her mouth. It makes feeding take forever, but that's OK.

4. Her sleeping. She's still right there in the bed with us, for better or worse, and it's always a happy thing when she finally, finally goes to sleep. I can't go in the bedroom until she does, because once she sees me it's Happy Daddy Fun Time and that's not conducive to nighty-night.

Parenting is a new adventure every day.

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