Sunday, December 31, 2006


I’ve not really had an opinion on the NSTA/Inconvenient Truth kerfuffle that broke out last month. It burned up on the WSTA’s listserv, which was where I first heard of it, and the December 6th Education Week has it on their front page with one of the more hilarious endings that I’ve ever seen:

(Regarding the NSTA’s decision not to send the video to all their members) But Brad Shipp, the national field director for the advocacy group Students for Academic Freedom, said that if the NSTA had distributed Mr. Gore’s film it might have sent an implicit message of approval to teachers. His Los Angeles-based group’s goal is to remove bias—often targeting what is sees as liberal bias—from K-12 and college teaching.

Had the NSTA mailed out the DVDs, Mr. Shipp said, it is possible that policital conservatives would have accused the organization of partisanship, given Mr. Gore’s association with the film.

“He’s a politician,” Mr. Shipp said. “We should not have a politician dictating what we should be teaching.”

Shee-it, Shipp, teachers have been pounding that "Just let us teach!" drum for an eternity now. Hopefully you took the same dim view of the Kansas Board of Education’s stance on evolution, and I would expect that you would also support abolishing the Department of Education, like Reagan did.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not send the movie out and then let teachers decide if they like it? Why not? No one's forcing them to show it. As a kid I watched countless 'informative' videos about energy, science, chemistry etc supported by Dow, Shell, and others. I learned some things, and my teachers helped take into account the conflicts of interest. Why not with Gore too?

3:55 PM  

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